Spread Ya Seed Pack
Spread Ya Seed Pack
Waterpro Dry Creek
36 Churchill Road North
Dry Creek SA 5094
Here at Lawnhub we have created the perfect pack to oversow your couch lawn. This pack contains: (enough product to cover 100m2) 3kg of Lawnhub SEED, 5kg of Lawnhub Got Laid, 3kg of Lawnhub BBW, and 1L of Astro 120.
Lawnhub SEED
Oversowing Ryegrass into a couch (Bermuda) lawn
Firstly, if you have applied any sort of pre-emergent in the 4-6 months prior to seed going down, you will not have the chance to oversow. The pre-emergent barrier is going to severely impact your success. Also if you’re in a frost prone area plan to seed at least 6 weeks prior to the onset of the frost period. Don’t attempt an oversow unless your lawn is in top health and at least 2 years old. This process can inhibit the couch coming out of dormancy in spring.
Here is a guide to Oversowing 100 m2 for example:
- Apply the top rate of Astro Plant Growth Regulator a day or 2 prior to putting seed down.
- Scarify, scalp or verticut the lawn to open up the canopy. The real goal here is to open up the grass so we can get the seed down near the soil surface
- Use half of your 3kg tub of SEED and spread in one direction followed by the other half of the SEED in the other direction. The goal is a consistent coverage of SEED. 3kg of SEED per 100m2 is a good amount.
- With a simple garden rake, rake the SEED down into the grass canopy. You can do this in 2 directions
- Roll the seed. I used my cylinder mower (without the engine on)
- Spread half of your starter fertiliser and wetting agent. GOT LAID + BBW.
- The seed needs to be damp for the first 7-10 days as it germinates. Short frequent cycles are best 2-4 times per day depending on daily high temps.
- Seed will germinate after around 7-8 days. After 10 days if you’re happy with coverage start to transition irrigation cycles to longer duration but less frequently.
- Mowing can commence around 7 days after germination. Start high and work down slowly
- After 4 weeks you can spread the other half of the GOT LAID + BBW. however something higher in nitrogen is fine for this grass during winter.
- At the end of winter and before renovations begin you can apply a selective herbicide to remove the rye from the couch.
Lawnhub GOT LAID
Lawnhub GOT LAID is a custom blended professional quality granular fertiliser.
This is exactly the type of product the top golf course superintendents of Australia choose.
The recommended application is 2.5kg/100m². Be sure to water this in straight away.
Got Laid will give your new lawn the nutrients it needs for dense root growth and even leaf growth.
This product is perfect for the home lawn fanatic looking for rapid turf establishment.
Lawnhub BBW
Lawnhub BBW is a professional quality granular wetting agent. This is exactly the type of product that top golf course superintendents of Australia choose. The recommended application is 1.5kg/100m2. Apply evenly to existing or new lawn. It is not necessary to water this product in. The wetting agent will be released upon irrigation or a rain event. BBW will continue to help water evenly penetrate your soil profile for up to 12 weeks.
Astro 120
Astro Turf Growth Regulator will promote greener, denser, more resilient turf with less growth, fewer clippings and therefore less expensive maintenance. Astro is the trusted growth regulator that pre-conditions turf for stress and optimises surface quality and colour.
- Works by slowing the production of gibberellic acid, a plant hormone that promotes cell elongation.
- Vertical shoot growth is slowed, while lateral and below-ground growth of rhizomes, stolons, tillers and roots is stimulated.
- Enhanced playing surfaces with improved turf quality and colour
- A valuable tool for pre-conditioning greens for hot, stressful summers – treated turf grows a stronger, deeper and more robust root system which leads to better heat stress tolerance, less wear and tear, and improved disease and pest tolerance
- Regular applications deliver increased quality and durability
The recommended use rates are designed to give approximately a 20 to 50% reduction in clippings over a 2 to 6 week period. Full growth regulation by Astro begins about 3 to 5 days after application. In practice the amount of growth regulation achieved will vary between situations due to environmental conditions and management practices. To some extent, therefore, application rates will need to be adjusted to match growing conditions, management practices and the amount of growth regulation required by the turf manager. Repeat applications can be made as soon as turf resumes growth or more suppression is required. Areas treated with Astro should continue to receive regular maintenance practices, including irrigation, fertilisation, and weed, disease and insect control when necessary, as recommended for quality turf.