Hey there.
We wanted to let you all know that our Black Friday sale is Live Now!!
Not only this, but this year we have an activation at the ADL500 (V8 supercar event for those of you more interested in mint lawns than fast cars). So come on through and say g'day!
Things to note for the sale:
1. We are unlikely to run out of Lawnhub manufactured gear (and if we do we will make more)
2. Shipping will be first in first out!
3. Each HUB number gets you an entry into the Lawnhub Custom Scott Bonnar mower giveaway which is active till the end of November.
4. Things like SOLO sprayers and chemicals we don't manufacture may sell out on Wednesday.
5. We really don't know how nuts this is going to go. We're ready for 5x last year. But 10x or 20x last year won't surprise me so freight COULD be slower than normal.
6. We WILL NOT offer 25% OFF again till Black Friday next year.
Keep it green